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Custer State Park

Trying to explain this Summer to anyone that wasn’t here is so hard. There have been times where I’ve wanted to leave so bad and other times where I’ve cried and not wanted to leave. Today I said goodbye to all of my coworkers people that started off as strangers and turned into family. These people have seen me at my best and at my worst. I’ve never loved people so much or so hard in my entire life.

The first time this summer seemed incredible to me was when John, Emily, Roxanne, Sherri, and Lillian all went for ice cream at our favorite local spot, Dairy Queen. We were all talking around a picnic table about how we loved singing and decided to go to our chapel and sing. When we got there we couldn’t get any pop songs to load on our phones (#classiclegionlake) so we began to sing songs from the hymnals. We sang songs together and explained what they meant and what the gospel was. It was a magical time. Afterwords Lillian told me she felt so Holy in the chapel and I think we all felt the same.

All of the love that was given to us at Custer State Park is something I'll never be able to explain. From Gene and Diane coming to every service and constantly encouraging us to all of the crack ups with Roxanne roasting John and Holden. There are millions of memories that I carry in my heart. I think Allie said it best when she said that we’re so scared of loving people when we know it’s short term, knowing we’ll be hurt in the long run when we have to say goodbye. I’ve never been so thankful to have loved to hard, but it hurts. It hurts saying goodbye to people that have become my family, girls I want in my wedding, people who I have laid underneath the stars and told my dreams and struggles to. These beautiful people know my heart in ways no one else does.

I think I came here with the idea that I wouldn’t be close to anyone when I left, I was so wrong. I thought I was coming here to make a difference in people’s lives, but I had no idea how much my life would be changed. When you begin to love people the way Christ did it changes the way you see people and the way you live in general. Loving with no expectation and just loving people where they are for who they are it begins to make you into a different person.

I’m going to miss Mr. Buffalo, driving the wildlife loop at 11 at night, screaming music as loud as we can (@john HERE IT COMES) while driving through the Black Hills, crying when Pizza Works closes early, and mostly just having the most incredible people surrounding me. Custer State Park, it’s been real, it’s been fun, and yes it has been real fun. I will always love the memories you’ve given me. To my friends, Roxanne, Lillian, Sherri, Holden, John, Alex, Emily, Em Sprung, Kyle, Ash Kate, Gene, Diane and every single person I loved at Custer I will hold you in my heart forever and cherish every single memory we have together.


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